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EXTENSION SPRINGS are attached at both ends to other components. When these components move apart, the spring tries to bring them together again. Extension springs absorb and store energy as well as create a resistance to a pulling force. It is initial tension that determines how tightly together an extension spring is coiled. This initial tension can be manipulated to achieve the load requirements of a particular application. Extension Springs are wound to oppose extension. They are often tightly wound in the no-load position and have hooks, eyes, or other interface geometry at the ends to attach to the components they connect. They are frequently used to provide return force to components that extend in the actuated position.


Key Design Parameters:

Dimensions: Outer Diameter, Inner Diameter, Wire Diameter, Free Length and Extended Length

• The Free Length is the overall length of a spring in the unloaded position.
• The
Extended Length is the length at full rated extension.

Spring Rate and Maximum Load

• The Spring Rate is the force per unit spring deflection.
• The Maximum Load is the load at full extension.

Unit of Measure
To request an extension spring quote, attach your blueprint/sketch or please fill out the following:
Quote Form
Extension Springs

Spring Information:

Extension Springs
Wire Diameter:
Outside Diameter:
Overall Length:
Length Inside Ends:
End Configuration:
Additional Information:
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